Co-branding communicates the added value
As our partner, you get solid co-branding and marketing support from us, and you can add significant claims to your brand with the Stays Fresh and Wear More. Wash Less messages. Last but not least, we want to ensure that you get increased sales thanks to Polygiene. To increase awareness and sell-through we offer a number of tools.
It starts with clear and simple markings. It’s how co-branding works. The added value needs to be clearly communicated. Preferably with both a hangtag and a permanent mark:
Hangtags that stand out in retail, following the strict requirements of the EU regarding language adaptions, and with a QR code linking to translations to over 25 languages.
Textile labels, care labels, and transfer prints – A permanent mark on the product, all to remind the consumer why this product stays fresh and can be washed less. The aim is that they will “look for the hand” when they are searching for new clothes, footwear, gear, or home textiles.
Hangers and POS material for visibility in retail etc.